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Top Tips to Stop Balding and Grow Healthy Hair

When do men start balding[/url]? Balding is a worldwide phenomenon experienced by over a third of the world’s population. In each day, a person loses up to 100 hairs. In case you are aging, balding should not raise any alarms since it is a natural phenomenon.

Hair loss and balding is not only related to hair loss and balding as part of the aging process as many people believe. Some mitigating factors lead to hair loss such as diet, stress, medication, mineral deficiencies, and genetics.

This begs the question, when do men start balding? Hair loss is heavily linked with age.

Lifestyle choices play a huge role in men developing bald. In case you are enjoying your brazen days, then balding is one unwanted trait you want in your life. Wearing a cap or a helmet throughout could lead to hair loss. Here are tips to help you in your fight against balding

1. Use of Mild Shampoo

Are you wondering when do men start balding? It is when you stop washing their hair. Washing your hair reduces the chances of your hair getting infections. Accumulation of dandruff in your hair leads to hair loss or breakage.

2. Vitamin for Hair Loss

A solution to when do men start balding is with their overall vitamin intake. Vitamin A in your body encourages the production of sebum in the scalp. Vitamin A help in encouraging the production of sebum in your hair scalp. Hair follicles maintain a healthy and productive nature through intake of Vitamin E that promotes scalp circulation. Having Vitamin B is helpful in creating a strong hair that prevents hair loss.

3. Healthy Protein Diet

A common answer as to when do men start balding is due to their protein intake. Low intake of proteins in your body is attributed to high chances of hair loss. It is recommended to eat lean meat, fish, and soy. It is highly known for promotion health hair growth that helps in reducing the chances of hair loss.

4. Using Essential Oils

Constant use of essential oils play a huge role in boosting your overall hair growth. You can have a big hair boost by massaging your hair scalp for minutes with these essential oils. The oils are known for strengthening the hair follicles throughout the day. Other oils that do a good job in the process includes almond and sesame oil.

At least you have a clue of when do men stat balding. You need to take care of your hair first. As a natural process, you will go through hair loss at some point in your life.