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Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

A program that’s based with the exercising since the person affected reduces the balance and also has some dizziness related problems There are times when someone feels like they are dizzy and when this occurs one feels like they are not stable at all and they also feel like they can fall at any given time, they feel like they are heavy and can pass out at any given time. When one is standing, or when they are lying down or still when one is changing from one position to another this are the times when one can feel the dizziness in them. This symptoms can even last for seconds, or even some few minutes or at some times it can last for hours.This problem is most common to the older generation although even the younger generation nowadays is getting the same problem.For one to feel dizzy it can be due to having a problem with your ears that is the inner ear, medication, neck problem or even be a more serious problem such as the heart or even the brains.

It is not everyone who benefits from this therapy, the ones who actually benefit from it are the people who have had a brain injury, or they have some dizziness , or they find it very hard to balance themselves and if they may be having stroke.Some of the common things that can be helped are if someone is having some blurred vision, headaches, frequent falls, neck tightness, spinning or the need to have to walk holding things.

Its always advised that one should go for the therapy and when one does that the following tests should be taken, the inner ear exams, how one is seeing things, how one is walking, that is whether one is able to walk properly and also the neck mobility. When all this is done and treatment has been done one is able to check on how their patients are doing and by doing so one is able to check whether the person is walking well, seeing properly and others. By the time the treatment is done, then fallings gets reduced and they are able to do their normal work properly.When patients continue to do the exercises they have been given properly then some things like dizziness and balancing themselves disappear which is a plus for everyone. Having the vestibular therapy can be the best thing ever since it eliminates one from having a surgery, then the therapy one is able to do the exercises and is able to see the improvements as they occur which can be a very good thing to the one giving out the therapy and to the patient himself and this is in our homepage today.