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Important Basic Skills for Teens

Education statistics proves that teens often do not know all.However, major basic skills in life may not be addressed in secondary school, and sometimes kids never learn these lesson at their homes.Therefore, it is important to consider the following basic life skills that are needed by every teen to be able to have a successful life in adulthood.

It is important for teens to learn about the money value. Even though teens don’t get jobs in the sports and school activities, this should not mean that they don’t need a lesson about the money value.Many parents who ensure providing everything the teen’s request will not help them to learn the meaning of money, the value of saving to meet what you need, how hard to earn money or the patience of waiting what you want.

It is important for teens to learn how to budget their money, how to save and how to balance the checkbook.The basics of money include earning, saving, giving, and spending. The best planning of the future by teens will be determined by the key basic rules.
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It is important for the teen to have skills of cooking, cleaning and laundry to be able to cope with the current world. This basic skills will help the teen work and live better at any place settled. Those are the major key basic skills. The parents have taken all the role of washing their teen’s house and clothes causing them not to learn the basic skills.What they do is to keep them in the hip to their mothers or house help to wash for them.However, by following the basic skills, the teen will grow a better adult and have responsibility for their future tasks.
Learning The “Secrets” of Skills

The teens should have knowledge of sewing to ensure their clothes are in order. The skills of sewing will ensure their buttons are put to their clothes; seaming is fixed to the hole of their shirts to avoid greater damage which can result when they ignore to sew.At the same time, the teen will learn to cope with the home economy when they ensure repair rather than throwing the torn clothes away.

It is important for teen to learn basic polite language which doesn’t have slang.The minimal basics that show politeness is, thank you, please, I am sorry, nice to meet you. The teens should feel comfortable to use the polite words. The importance of using the polite word is to help the teen acquire better chance of employment after interview. However, chance of losing toward the teen who uses slang will be high.

In addition, learning of personal hygiene is very important to teens.Clean appearance always increases self-esteem, improve health state, and improve mental attitudes toward the teens irrespective of their background. Cleanliness situation will help the teens to care more about their living environment.